
#2898647262 2898647262 发表于:2024-05-09 17:40:26

Andreas Schnaas(导演)/Andreas Schnaas/Marc Trinkhaus/Steve Aquilina(主演)/德国/1999年 / 恐怖 / 动作

别名:Violent Shit 3 - Infantry of Doom。 哈哈 这是泥马史诗巨作啊 中国功夫显神威啊 血滴子都出现了 太牛逼了 ……雷熟了,血滴子玩不好被人杀……打斗部分有点类似太极,部分道具引得乐呵呵, 这次还成立军团了,后面还出现丧尸,最后还耍中国功夫。。 3 men get stranded on an island. They are captured by this group of people who turn out to be members of a group under the direction of Karl Sr. and his son Karl Jr., who are the famous butcher/slashers from the first two Violent Shit movies. Soon these three men and a bunch of exiles are given a chance to run away from the group members; unlike some others who are brutally murdered. However they decide to fight back and a gory and violent battle ensues.

Andreas Schnaas(导演)/Andreas Schnaas/Gabi Bäzner/Wolfgang Hinz(主演)/西德/1989年 / 恐怖

比较经典的cult地下电影。别名:Violent Shit A demented, wicked, deformed, cannibalistic killer named K. The Butcher Shitter, escapes from the police and slaughters people in many gory, bloody ways.