
#BT老司机 BT老司机 发表于:2017-07-19 15:03:22
くノ一忍法伝系列电影全集,又称:Ninja Vixens系列,Bounty Hunter Vixens系列。 前后出了10集,应该是分为两个系列,就是上面所列出的两个系列,一个是くノ一忍法伝正规系列,一个是くノ一忍法伝 女狼系列。 这个系列还算比较经典的日本女忍者系列粉红电影,片源比较稀缺,喜欢的可以收藏了。

Noburô Sasaki(导演)/岡元あつこ(主演)/日本/2003年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Bounty Hunter Vixens: Carnal Enchantment Iris (Atsuko Okamoto) is determined to slay the person who killed her father - but an old and immortal enemy traps her first! Nursed to health by a kind and sexy sorceress and her brother, Iris recovers. When the sexy and villainous witch, Dakini, summons malicious spirits to threaten the village, Iris and her new friends must use all their powers to struggle against their common enemy.

井口誠一(导演)/山原真依/森未向/西村萌(主演)/日本/2003年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Bounty Vixens 7: Treasure of Lust/女狼:隐杀裸体剑舞 Beautiful bounty hunter Rio (Mai Yanbara) infiltrates a mysterious village filled with criminals to claim a new reward -but the village hides a deadly conspiracy aimed at the seductive vigilante. Lotus (Misaki Mori) uses her sensual black magic to heat things up for the bounty hunter and newcomer Moe Nishimura as Fury, brings all the bandits to their knees with her special brand of sexual sorcery!

酒井 信行(导演)/松田ゆうき/榎本瑞穂/神田美咲(主演)/日本/1999年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Ninja Vixens: Forbidden Paradise。 Mizuho Enomoto debuts as Myst, one of two beautiful ninja sisters who save Iyori, a young samurai on the run. Myst and Bell have a secret, though - one they'll do anything to protect! As they nurse Iyori back to health, love blossoms - not just between two of them, but between all three! But when Myst's mentor, the demon hag Ogen, shows up looking for a deadly revenge, their forbidden paradise could be shattered forever!

遊法仁(导演)/牛川とこ美優稲葉/紅咲美乃里/宗像美保/松山美雪(主演)/日本/2003年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Ninja Vixens: Web of Passion In this arousing adventure of super ninja skill, Suzukane and Okan are two beautiful female warriors in training who must hunt down and rescue their ninja clan lord's sacred and protective ninjitsu scroll. Kagerou is the sultry duo's archnemesis -- a sex- and money-loving female fighter with equally dazzling skill and beauty. It's a passionate battle of good vs. evil when the seductive vixens face their most provocative exploit ever.

竹内美年子(导演)/竹内美年子/柘植美奈子/重安美紀(主演)/日本/2002年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Ninja Vixens: Devilish Angels 女忍者很好看!!!!! Devilish Angels concerns a member of the attractive, brutal group who ends up caring for an orphan. She attempts to keep the more unsavory aspects of her life away from the girl, but these harsh facts come to light after bad guys set a nefarious plot into motion...

Daiji Hattori(导演)/Toshiyuki Aoki, Kogan Ashiya, Shou Azaki (主演)/日本/2002年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Ninja Vixens: Flame Of Seduction / Kunoichi nimpoden: Kaen imbi “爱丽丝,忍者维西(Sara Shimada)正在寻找一个武士,可以帮助打败她的姐姐,强大而强大的皇后黑暗迷雾。 在遇到静谧而美丽的贝尔,谁拥有诱惑之火的梦幻般的力量,性感的武士女孩勇敢的任何危险,冒充他们的灵魂和身体追求正义! ninja vixens系列的第一部。

竹内美年子(导演)/藤川のぞみ/稲葉美優/葉月愛莉(主演)/日本/2002年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Ninja Vixens: Vixen Dropouts 舞台はくノ一養成学校。くノ一になるべく厳しい掟を守り、修行する日々。しかし、落ちこぼれ集団「ん組」の修行はそうはいかない。そんなある日、梢が謎の忍者集団・風魔に誘拐されてしまう!今こそ一致団結!落ちこぼれ軍団は奇跡を見せることが出来るのか!?

Hitoshi Taguchi(导演)/Kenji Arai, Mudo Oda, Yukashi Otaki (主演)/日本/2000年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:Ninja Vixens: Crimson Blades Hearts burn with crimson flames, as blades thrash through the darkness! Rogue ninja Shinobu uses all the weapons at her command to terminate the local corrupt politicians - including her seductive body! Hunted by her former lover and captured by a sadistic assassin, the helpless Shinobu is drugged and ruthlessly tortured - until this magnificent NINJA VIXEN slices through the threads of fate with her shining and sexy blade. Desire, danger and destiny combine in this red-hot, sensual samurai thriller, starring the voluptuous Yukashi Otaki in her film debut!

井上昌典(导演)/濑户纯/金子珠美(主演)/日本/2004年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 恐怖

别名:くノ一忍法伝 屍怨 / 不貞の妻 ひび割れから覗く影 / Ninja Vixens: Virgin Nightmares 江户时代的一家三口搬入了新居所,奇怪的是家中的一面墙上有个奇怪的洞,小女儿总是感觉到洞里有些不寻常的东西存在,于是他们想要把洞堵上……

國米修市(导演)/福澄美緒/吉川舞/風間美穂子/飯干隆子(主演)/日本/2003年 / 奇幻 / R级 / 动作

别名:くノ一忍法伝 奇说 魔界转生 奇說 魔界轉生 呪殺女虐叫/Ninja Vixens: Demonic Sacrifices Exiled Lord Yukinaga is betrayed by a ninja clan he and his family mercilessly killed in cold blood. But when the Lord's subordinate, a beautiful ninja Firefly, discovers the slain bodies, she uses the Sword of Deus to review Yukinaga - only to find the former Lord has become a demonic emissary of evil to avenge his death and betrayal! his evil minions pillage Firefly's gorgeous ninja friends and kill her allies. Can Firefly's sensual power and stunning body stop the madness? 片源实在是稀少的可怜!