打屁股/La Fessee

Burd Tranbaree(导演)/安托万·方丹 艾曼纽 丹妮尔 玛丽 - 克里斯汀(主演)/法国/1976年 / 剧情
【剧情介绍】: 女士喜欢通过揍她美丽的臀部来作为他们的激烈的性爱前奏 这部电影大概介绍了很多观众打屁股色情可能性。但是,你需要欣赏电影没有一个打屁股神物 - ,打屁股往往是短暂的前奏,几乎总是热性。这部电影是轻松愉快的和愚蠢的,有一些良好的幽默感。作为典型的时代,最铁杆镜头是特写,可能会或可能不会插入,但也有一些显然是女演员在场景中。这是法国铁杆还早,一些女演员都不愿意做苦役的场景。值得庆幸的是,许多人。精力充沛的女士爱寐嫌她美丽的底部,其激烈的做爱的前奏。因此作为一个表达爱和感情,而不是惩罚打屁股,发现激情,因为他已经把这个启示成为一个利润丰厚的山寨产业。 Monsieur Leon is a bank-clerk in Paris. He spends his entire free time spanking women's bottoms. Even his boss comes to him for advice. His love-life with the wife is no good, despite extensive dildo-use. Only once Monsieur Leon spanks her bum in front of his boss do things begin to stir, leading to a racy "menage a trois". The baker's wife from 'round the corner is happy to get spanked by Leon, as well as numerous customers who turn up at the bank because they've heard about Monsieur Leon's special services. Enjoy!..