鬼之花宴 团鬼六

羽生研司(导演)/黄金咲ちひろ / 松本亜璃沙 / 加治木均 /宮路次郎(主演)/日本/2007年 / R级 / 剧情
别名:The Devil's Feast 冈本身居《关东新闻》报社营业部长之职,同时还是个小说家,他的作品正在自家的报纸上连载。家中的妻子静代美丽而贤淑,日子过得十分美满。 新调入的编辑部久美子打破了冈本平稳的生活。冈本迷上了妖冶的久美子,她反常的做爱癖好对冈本来说又新鲜又充满刺激。久美子通过冈本知道了新兴宗教崇德教的丑闻,并将之写成报导发上了《关东新闻》。崇德教一直是这份报纸的大广告客户,惹恼教主吉冈意味着报社将陷入财政危机。吉冈要求冈本拿妻子来谢罪。为了替丈夫解忧,静代自愿入教当一个星期的巫女。看着不断自责的冈本,久美子心里也不好受。原来,她过去曾是吉冈的性奴隶,为了复仇才接近冈本利用击垮崇德教。但久美子渐渐地爱上了冈本。她决心救出静代,只身来到了吉冈的家。谁料,久美子完全落入了吉冈的圈套。她和静代一同堕入了无尽的官能地狱…… When the beautiful Kumiko joins the editorial desk at a small local newspaper, the most deeply kept secrets of the rich and powerful leader of a religious cult suddenly begin finding their way into print in blistering exposes. Scandalous exposes which have even more shocking repercussions for the paper's sales manager, Okomoto, and his elegant wife Shizuyo. Ensnared in the escalating war of wits and chains between the sadistic cult master and Kumiko, his former sex slave, Shizuyo finds herself strung in the rope bonds of a ruthless game that mixes sensuality with humiliation. Could it be that Shizuyo's only hope of release may come in the form of her own husband's mistress? Or is that exactly what the Devil has been planning on all along? From the novels of the late, legendary SM Master Oniroku Dan, prepare to be served a dark and unsettling vision of twisted lust and inhuman bondage: THE DEVIL'S FEAST!
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