乔·达马托(导演)/Valentine Demy/Allen Cort/Carey Sally(主演)/意大利/1989年 / R级 / 爱情
别名:Pomeriggio caldo、11 Days 11 Nights Part 3 / 11天11夜3 讲述了整整十一天,十一夜,迈克尔生活在萨拉所构筑的灵与肉的世界里无法自拔,即便未婚妻已经发现了他的不忠,他也无法离开萨拉温香软玉般的怀抱,当第十一天结束之时,他和萨拉的关系会走向何处呢。 Courtney a young reporter is assigned to report on the story of a young woman who lost her husband in a bizarre voodoo ritual. He decides to take his highly sexed wife Connie on the trip to New Orleans. Connie is drawn into a secret affair with one of the locals. Gradually captivated by his spell she eventually flaunts her affair in front of her husband and finally leaves with her new lover to join the voodoo follower. Torn between contempt for his wife's infidelity and fear for her life Courtney is left to decide their destiny in the highly charged climax....
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6 年内
11天11夜2 顶级模特
7 年内
红辣椒 Aaprika
5 年内
5 年内
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